Well, I don't, but my coworkers seem to when they hover over my lunch everyday.
Apparently none of them have heard of pink lentils. Beautiful, tiny, quick cooking, delicious pink lentils. Someone actually asked if they come in a can. I didn't even know lentils could come in a can, let alone that people would eat them from a can.*
Oh look, I did learn something new today!
Anyway, pink lentils are the bomb and tonight I busted out my over note tabbed copy of Veganomicon and made the Red Lentil-Cauliflower Curry. Here is the proof:
Please excuse my breathtaking ability to create photographic works of art on my iPhone. Don't be jealous, just download the Instagram app.
You'll find many, if not all of the Veganomicon recipes with some simple googling, so I'm not going to post it here (plus, it's a really great cookbook so you should just go ahead and own it). This would be a great recipe for lentil newbies since you don't have to worry about getting that perfect liquid-to-lentil ratio. At a certain point you just throw them in and let everything hang out. And if they get mushy it means you're doing it right.
* This post kind of makes me sound like an asshole. Don't read me wrong, I genuinely like many of my coworkers, I just dislike having to describe my lunch to them each day. I don't really need to know what they're eating and I expect the same from them.
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